Sunday, December 6, 2020 has been a hot minute

 Blogs are supposed to be, what? Informative, personal, forgotten for 6 years? Check. Check. And check. 6 years ago, I last updated this blog. Life. Work. Personal BS. Starting today, this blog is being given new life. Writing can be cathartic for some, simple enjoyment for others. I think (at least occasionally) I fall in to the latter category. I plan henceforth to write one article per month for this blog. If no one reads it, that is okay. If 12,000 plus read it that will be nifty too. If you have read and enjoyed previously, I apologize for my absence. If you have never read, I hope you enjoy. 

Enough about me. Let's talk comics for a minute. January 2019...seems like a lifetime ago now. With a global pandemic raging, the escapism comics afford us, may be as important as any time in comic book history. Comics have offered escape, or maybe respite is better word, for many, myself included. So back to January 2019. Marvel comics reacquired the rights to a title, I have been in love with since my wispy youth in the 1970's. 

J.R.R. Tolkien can bite me. This is the only Return of the King I care about. Last gracing the companies published titles in December of 1993 ( I suppose Conan and I both needed an extended holiday) Conan the Barbarian is back where he belongs ( no disrespect to the other publishers) and so am I. Anyway I have been reading the new Conan books over again, and along with a friendly chat yesterday evening, came to the conclusion I should write about things I love again. None of us is promised tomorrow, right?  I will wench (vicariously), sing the song of steel and bone (metaphorically) and (as analogy) use my old friend Conan to restart this blog. Here's to new beginnings. If you are reading this I wish you health and happiness, and look forward to talking comics again. 

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